Mountain Miniatures

Mountain Miniatures

1041 Moccasin Gap Road, Lula, Georgia, 30554, United States     706-677-2016     706-677-2016

  Monday - Friday 9 AM - 5 PM

Baskets, Barrels & Crates

Baskets, Barrels & Crates in 1:12 Scale and 1:24 Scale Miniature.

  Stock# Product Our Price
MM513 Handcrafted Porcelain Basket Of Cherries 1:12 scale $16.95
LK430 Loretta Kasza 1" Scale Hand Crafted Filled Blue Bath Basket $30.00
LK431 Loretta Kasza 1" Scale Hand Crafted Pink Vanity Display $30.00
LK838 Loretta Kasza Miniature Handcrafted Blue Teddy Bear China Box Set 1:12 scale $20.95
R4636 Reutter Porcelain Wine Barrel Set 1:12 scale $19.00
A3071 Small Oval Bread Basket 1:12 scale $8.99
B110 Woven Straw Basket 1:12 scale $3.95