Mountain Miniatures

Mountain Miniatures

1041 Moccasin Gap Road, Lula, Georgia, 30554, United States     706-677-2016     706-677-2016

  Monday - Friday 9 AM - 5 PM

Books, Magazines & Newspapers

Books, Magazines & Newspapers in both 1:12 Scale and 1:24 Scale

  Stock# Product Our Price
TIN1251 1" Scale Artisan Miniatures Hand Crafted Printed Book "A Tiny Guide To Yoga" $7.00
TIN2004 1" Scale Artisan Miniatures Hand Crafted Printed Book "Carrie" $7.00
TIN5000 1" Scale Artisan Miniatures Hand Crafted Printed Book "The Holy Bible" $7.00
L10 Amy Robinson Shell Bookends 1:12 scale $20.95
6113 Cottage Industries Boy's Baby Book 1:12 scale $15.95
6114 Cottage Industries Girl's Baby Book 1:12 scale $15.95
MS001W Handcrafted Wedding Album/Scrapbook 1:12 scale $20.95
MIDI089 Miniature Displays Coloring Book & Crayons 1:12 scale $20.00
CG04 Silvia Leiner Miniature Wooden Bear Bookends 1:12 scale $16.95
2221 Wendy's Miniatures Handcrafted Umbonium Shell Bookends 1:12 scale $18.95