Mountain Miniatures

Mountain Miniatures

1041 Moccasin Gap Road, Lula, Georgia, 30554, United States     706-677-2016     706-677-2016

  Monday - Friday 9 AM - 5 PM

Bright deLights Panorama Chick Easter Egg 1:12 scale


Stock# K2851
Manufacturer Bright deLights
Scale 1:12 Scale (Full Scale)
Our Price: $16.95


1:12 Scale Panorama Easter Egg Dollhouse Miniature

I can remember on Easter and Halloween, my father bringing home those little sugar or chocolate eggs with a scene inside of them. Well, here's one in 1:12 Scale. The little egg, measures 1/2"high and is made to look like decorated sugar. Inside the egg is a tiny little yellow chick. This would be adorable in you mini Easter setting.
Miniature Scales
1:12 inch Scale, (1/12 Scale) also referred to as full scale, one-inch scale (or 1" scale), means 1 inch = 1 foot
1:24 inch Scale, (1/24 Scale), also referred to as half scale, half-inch scale (or 1/2" scale), means 1/2 inch = 1 foot