Mountain Miniatures

Mountain Miniatures

1041 Moccasin Gap Road, Lula, Georgia, 30554, United States     706-677-2016     706-677-2016

  Monday - Friday 9 AM - 5 PM

Cooking & Food Preparation

food preparation and cooking Cooking Food & Food Preparation

  Stock# Product Our Price
JU1023 Cooked Ham 1:12 scale $28.95
IDM1396 Filled Wok 1:12 scale $9.95
BM64 Fresh Veggies 1:12 scale $34.95
MM133 Ham In A Black Pot 1:12 scale $13.95
MM514 Handcrafted My Minis Grilled Cheese Sandwich Prep Board 1:12 scale $22.95
ME14 MCM Enterprises Miniature Leg-of-Lamb 1:24 scale $15.99
MM415 Mexican Feast Table 1:12 scale $199.95
59972 Miniature Five Pound Bag Of Sugar 1:24 scale $3.95
54053 Miniature Gallon Bottle Of Corn Oil 1:12 scale $3.95
59908 Miniature Jar Of Mayonaise 1:24 scale $3.95
AN1357CP Miniature Medium Copper Skillet 1:12 scale $6.95
MM454 My Minis Pasta in a Colander 1:24 scale $8.99
PIZ Pizza Prep Table 1:12 scale $140.00
MM542 Sliced Canteloupe On A Cutting Board 1:24 scale $16.95
J362 Sushi Set 1:12 scale $18.95